
EoN.Gillespie_complex_contagion(G, rate_function, transition_choice, get_influence_set, IC, return_statuses, tmin=0, tmax=100, parameters=None, return_full_data=False, sim_kwargs=None)[source]

Initially intended for a complex contagion. However, this can allow influence from any nodes, not just immediate neighbors.

The complex contagion must be something that all nodes do something simultaneously

This is not the same as if node v primes node u and later node w causes u to transition. This will require that both v and w have the relevant states at the moment of transition and it has forgotten any previous history.

G (NetworkX Graph)
The underlying network

A function that will take the network, a node, and the statuses of all the nodes and calculate the rate at which the node changes its status.

The function is called like

if parameters is None:
rate_function(G, node, status)
rate_function(G, node, status, parameters)

where G is the graph, node is the node, status is a dict such that status[u] returns the status of u, and parameters is the parameters passed to the function.

it returns a number, the combined rate at which node might change status.


A function that takes the network, a node, and the statuses of all the nodes and chooses which event will happen. The function should be called [with or without parameters]

if parameters is None:
transition_choice(G, node, status)
transition_choice(G, node, status, parameters)

where G is the graph, node` is the node, ``status` is a dict such that ``status[u] returns the status of u, and parameters is the parameters passed to the function.

It should return the new status of node based on the fact that the node is changing status.


When a node u changes status, we want to know which nodes may have their rate altered. We need to update their rates. This function returns all nodes that may be affected by u (either in its previous state or its current state). We will go through and recalculate the rates for all of these nodes. For a contagion, we can simply choose all neighbors, but it may be faster to leave out any nodes that it wouldn’t have affected before or after its transition (e.g., R or I neighbors in SIR).

if parameters is None:
get_influence_set(G, node, status)
get_influence_set(G, node, status, parameters)

where G is the graph, node is the node, status is a dict such that status[u] returns the status of u, and parameters is the parameters passed to the function.

it should return the set of nodes whose rates need to be recalculated.

Most likely, it is

def get_influence_set(G, node, status):
return G.neighbors(node)
A dict. IC[node] returns the status of node.
return_statuses list or other iterable (but not a generator)
The statuses that we will return information for, in the order we will return them.
tmin number (default 0)
starting time
tmax number (default 100)
stop time
return_full_data boolean
currently needs to be False. True raises an error.
parameters list/tuple.
Any parameters of the functions rate_function, transition_choice, influence_set We assume all three functions can accept parameters. Examples: recovery rate, transmission rate, …
(times, status1, status2, …) tuple of numpy arrays
first entry is the times at which events happen. second (etc) entry is an array with the same number of entries as times giving the number of nodes of status ordered as they are in return_statuses

This simply does an SIR epidemic, by saying that the rate of becoming infected is tau times the number of infected neighbors.

import networkx as nx
import EoN
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import defaultdict #makes defining the initial condition easier

def rate_function(G, node, status, parameters):
    #This function needs to return the rate at which node changes status.
    tau,gamma = parameters
    if status[node] == 'I':
        return gamma
    elif status[node] == 'S':
        return tau*len([nbr for nbr in G.neighbors(node) if status[nbr] == 'I'])
        return 0

def transition_choice(G, node, status, parameters):
    #this function needs to return the new status of node.  We already
    #know it is changing status.
    #this function could be more elaborate if there were different
    #possible transitions that could happen.
    if status[node] == 'I':
        return 'R'
    elif status[node] == 'S':
        return 'I'

def get_influence_set(G, node, status, parameters):
    #this function needs to return any node whose rates might change
    #because ``node`` has just changed status.
    #the only neighbors a node might affect are the susceptible ones.

    return {nbr for nbr in G.neighbors(node) if status[nbr] == 'S'}

G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(100000,0.00005)

gamma = 1.
tau = 0.5
parameters = (tau, gamma)

IC = defaultdict(lambda: 'S')
for node in range(200):
    IC[node] = 'I'

t, S, I, R = EoN.Gillespie_complex_contagion(G, rate_function,
                           transition_choice, get_influence_set, IC,
                           return_statuses=('S', 'I', 'R'),

plt.plot(t, I)