Figure 9.5 (a and b) --------------------------- :download:`Downloadable Source Code ` .. image:: fig9p5a.png :width: 45 % .. image:: fig9p5b.png :width: 45 % :: import EoN import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random import scipy print("for figure 9.5, we have not coded up the equations to calculate size as a function of tau (fig a), so this just gives simulations. It does calculate the predicted size as a function of R_0^p. (fig b)") r''' Rather than doing the dynamic simulations, this uses the directed percolation approach described in chapter 6. ''' N = 100000 gamma = 1./5.5 tau = 0.55 iterations = 1 rho = 0.001 kave=15 def rec_time_fxn_gamma(u, alpha, beta): return scipy.random.gamma(alpha,beta) def rec_time_fxn_fixed(u): return 1 def rec_time_fxn_exp(u): return random.expovariate(1) def trans_time_fxn(u, v, tau): if tau >0: return random.expovariate(tau) else: return float('Inf') def R0first(tau): return (kave-1) * (1- 4/(2+tau)**2) def R0second(tau): return (kave-1) * (1- 1/scipy.sqrt(1+2*tau)) def R0third(tau): return (kave-1)*tau/(tau+1) def R0fourth(tau): return (kave-1)*(1-scipy.exp(-tau)) G = nx.configuration_model([kave]*N) taus = scipy.linspace(0,0.35,21) def do_calcs_and_plot(G, trans_time_fxn, rec_time_fxn, trans_time_args, rec_time_args, R0fxn, symbol): As = [] for tau in taus: P, A = EoN.estimate_nonMarkov_SIR_prob_size_with_timing(G,trans_time_fxn=trans_time_fxn, rec_time_fxn = rec_time_fxn, trans_time_args = (tau,), rec_time_args=rec_time_args) As.append(A) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(taus, As, symbol) plt.figure(2) plt.plot( R0fxn(taus), As, symbol) print("first distribution") do_calcs_and_plot(G, trans_time_fxn, rec_time_fxn_gamma, (tau,), (2,0.5), R0first, 'o') print("second distribution") do_calcs_and_plot(G, trans_time_fxn, rec_time_fxn_gamma, (tau,), (0.5,2), R0second, 's') print("fourth distribution") do_calcs_and_plot(G, trans_time_fxn, rec_time_fxn_exp, (tau,), (), R0third, 'd') print("fifth distribution") do_calcs_and_plot(G, trans_time_fxn, rec_time_fxn_fixed, (tau,), (), R0fourth, 'x') plt.figure(1) plt.xlabel(r'Transmission rate $\tau$') plt.ylabel('Final Size') plt.savefig('fig9p5a.png') R0s = scipy.linspace(0,3,301) ps = R0s/(kave-1) Apred = [EoN.Attack_rate_discrete({kave:1}, p) for p in ps] plt.figure(2) plt.plot(R0s, Apred, '-', color = 'k') plt.axis(xmax = 3) plt.xlabel('Pairwise Reproductive Ratio $R_0^p$') plt.ylabel('Final Size') plt.savefig('fig9p5b.png')