Figure 5.2 (a, b, c, and d) --------------------------- - Note that the book has a typo. As with fig 4.7, for (c), $\\tau = 1.1\\tau_c$. - It's worth looking at $1.2\\tau_c$ as well. It's interesting. .. image:: fig5p2a.png :width: 45 % .. image:: fig5p2b.png :width: 45 % .. image:: fig5p2c.png :width: 45 % .. image:: fig5p2d.png :width: 45 % :download:`Downloadable Source Code ` :: import EoN import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy N=100000 #100 times as large as the value given in the text gamma = 1. iterations = 1 rho = 0.05 tmax = 20 tcount = 1001 kave = 20. ksqave = (5**2 + 35**2)/2. tau_c = gamma*kave/ksqave ksmall = 5 kbig = 35 deg_dist = [ksmall, kbig]*int(N/2) report_times = scipy.linspace(0, tmax, tcount) for tau, label in zip([0.9*tau_c, tau_c, 1.1*tau_c, 1.5*tau_c],['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']): print(str(tau_c)+" "+str(tau)) plt.clf() Isum = scipy.zeros(tcount) for counter in range(iterations): G = nx.configuration_model(deg_dist) t, S, I = EoN.fast_SIS(G, tau, gamma, tmax=tmax, rho=rho) I = I*1./N I = EoN.subsample(report_times, t, I) Isum += I plt.plot(report_times, Isum/iterations, color='grey', linewidth=5, alpha=0.3) degree_array = scipy.zeros(kbig+1) degree_array[kbig]=N/2 degree_array[ksmall]=N/2 Sk0 = degree_array*(1-rho) Ik0 = degree_array*rho t, S, I = EoN.SIS_heterogeneous_meanfield(Sk0, Ik0, tau, gamma, tmax=tmax, tcount=tcount) plt.plot(t, I/N, '--') SI0 = ((kbig + ksmall)*N/2.)*(1-rho)*rho SS0 = ((kbig+ksmall)*N/2.)*(1-rho)*(1-rho) II0 = ((kbig+ksmall)*N/2.)*rho*rho t, S, I = EoN.SIS_compact_pairwise(Sk0, Ik0, SI0, SS0, II0, tau, gamma, tmax=tmax, tcount=tcount) plt.plot(t, I/N) #t, S, I = EoN.SIS_compact_pairwise(Sk0, I0, SI0, SS0, II0, tau, gamma, tmax=tmax, tcount=tcount) #plt.plot(t, I/N) I0 = N*rho S0 = N*(1-rho) kave = (kbig+ksmall)/2. t, S, I = EoN.SIS_homogeneous_pairwise(S0, I0, SI0, SS0, kave, tau, gamma, tmax=tmax, tcount=tcount) plt.plot(t, I/N, '-.') plt.xlabel('$t$') plt.ylabel('Prevalence') plt.savefig('fig5p2{}.png'.format(label))