Figure 4.13 ----------- :download:`Downloadable Source Code ` .. image:: fig4p13.png :: import EoN import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy r''' Reproduces figure 4.13 With N=1000, there is still significant stochasticity. Some epidemics have earlier peaks than others. When many of these are averaged together, the final outcome is that the average has a lower, broader peak than a typical epidemic. In this case it tends to make the Erdos-Renyi network for =50 look like a better fit for the homogeneous_pairwise model. Increasing N to 10000 will eliminate this. ''' print("Often stochastic effects cause the peak for =50 to be lower than predicted.") print("See comments in code for explanation") N=10000 gamma = 1. iterations = 200 rho = 0.05 tmax = 15 tcount = 1001 report_times = scipy.linspace(0,tmax,tcount) ax1 = plt.gca()#axes([0.1,0.1,0.9,0.9]) ax2 = plt.axes([0.44,0.45,0.4,0.4]) for kave, ax in zip((50, 5), (ax1, ax2)): tau = 2*gamma/kave Isum = scipy.zeros(tcount) for counter in range(iterations): G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N,kave/(N-1.)) t, S, I, R = EoN.fast_SIR(G, tau, gamma, tmax=tmax, rho=rho) I = I*1./N I = EoN.subsample(report_times, t, I) Isum += I ax.plot(report_times, Isum/iterations, color='grey', linewidth=5, alpha=0.3) S0 = (1-rho)*N I0 = rho*N R0=0 t, S, I, R = EoN.SIR_homogeneous_meanfield(S0, I0, R0, kave, tau, gamma, tmax=tmax, tcount=tcount) ax.plot(t, I/N, '--') SI0 = (1-rho)*N*kave*rho SS0 = (1-rho)*N*kave*(1-rho) t, S, I, R = EoN.SIR_homogeneous_pairwise(S0, I0, R0, SI0, SS0, kave, tau, gamma, tmax=tmax, tcount=tcount) ax.plot(t, I/N) ax1.set_xlabel('$t$') ax1.set_ylabel('Prevalence') plt.savefig('fig4p13.png')