Figure 3.2 (a and b) ---------------------------- :download:`Downloadable Source Code ` - In addition to plots in the book's figure, this also plots the average of 1000 simulations. - For the complete graph, the pair equations run quite slowly (there are N choose 2 edges, and we need equations for each). - This code does not include the triangle corrections mentioned after system (3.26). .. image:: fig3p2a.png :width: 45 % .. image:: fig3p2b.png :width: 45 % :: import EoN import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy import random from scipy import integrate ''' Code to generate figure 3.2 from page 94. This is a bit messy because we have to define the lumped ODE models. Since python deals with ODEs by taking 1D arrays we have to set up all the variables into a single long vector. This uses the same lumped model as for fig 2.11. ''' print("There is a difference between the output here and figure3.2a for the\n", "book. This code uses system 3.26, while the figure in the book\n" "includes the triangle correction mentioned following system 3.26.\n\n") print("The code for the complete graph runs quite slowly. There are very many equations.") def star(N): G = nx.Graph() G.add_node(0) for node_id in range(1,N): G.add_edge(0,node_id) return G def complete_graph_dX(X, t, tau, gamma, N): r'''This system is given in Proposition 2.3, taking Q=S, T=I f_{SI}(k) = f_{QT}= k*\tau f_{IS}(k) = f_{TQ} = \gamma \dot{Y}^0 = \gamma Y^1 - 0\\ \dot{Y}^1 = 2\gamma Y^2 + 0Y^0 - (\gamma + (N-1)\tau)Y^1 \dot{Y}^2 = 3\gamma Y^3 + (N-1)\tau Y^1 - (2\gamma+2(N-2))Y^2 ... \dot{Y}^N = (N-1)\tau Y^{N-1} - N\gamma Y^N Note that X has length N+1 ''' #X[k] is probability of k infections. dX = [] dX.append(gamma*X[1]) for k in range(1,N): dX.append((k+1)*gamma*X[k+1]+ (N-k+1)*(k-1)*tau*X[k-1] - ((N-k)*k*tau + k*gamma)*X[k]) dX.append((N-1)*tau*X[N-1] - N*gamma*X[N]) return scipy.array(dX) def complete_graph_lumped(N, tau, gamma, I0, tmin, tmax, tcount): times = scipy.linspace(tmin, tmax, tcount) X0 = scipy.zeros(N+1) #length N+1 of just 0 entries X0[I0]=1. #start with 100 infected. X = integrate.odeint(complete_graph_dX, X0, times, args = (tau, gamma, N)) #X[t] is array whose kth entry is p(k infected| time=t). I = scipy.array([sum(k*Pkt[k] for k in range(len(Pkt))) for Pkt in X]) S = N-I return times, S, I def star_graph_dX(X, t, tau, gamma, N): '''this system is given in Proposition 2.4, taking Q=S, T=I so f_{SI}(k) = f_{QT}(k) = k*tau f_{IS}(k) = f_{TQ}(k) = gamma X has length 2*(N-1)+2 = 2N''' # [[central node infected] + [central node susceptible]] #X = [Y_1^1, Y_1^2, ..., Y_1^{N}, Y_2^0, Y_2^1, ..., Y_2^{N-1}] #Note that in proposition Y^0 is same as Y_2^0 #and Y^N is same as Y_1^N #Y1[k]: central node infected, & k-1 peripheral nodes infected Y1vec = [0]+list(X[0:N]) #for Y_1^k, use Y1vec[k] #pad with 0 to make easier calculations Y_1^0=0 #the probability of -1 nodes infected is 0 #Y2[k]: central node susceptible & k peripheral nodes infected Y2vec = list(X[N:])+[0] #for Y_2^k use Y2vec[k] #padded with 0 to make easier calculations. Y_2^N=0 #the probability of N (of N-1) peripheral nodes infected is 0 dY1vec = [] dY2vec = [] for k in range(1, N): #k-1 peripheral nodes infected, central infected dY1vec.append((N-k+1)*tau*Y1vec[k-1] + (k-1)*tau*Y2vec[k-1] +k*gamma*Y1vec[k+1] - ((N-k)*tau + (k-1)*gamma+gamma)*Y1vec[k]) #now the Y^N equation dY1vec.append(tau*Y1vec[N-1] + (N-1)*tau*Y2vec[N-1] - N*gamma*Y1vec[N]) #now the Y^0 equation dY2vec.append(gamma*(N-1)*Y1vec[1] + gamma*Y2vec[1]-0) for k in range(1,N): #k peripheral nodes infected, central susceptible dY2vec.append(0 + gamma*Y1vec[k+1] + gamma*(k+1)*Y2vec[k+1] - (k*tau + 0 + k*gamma)*Y2vec[k]) return scipy.array(dY1vec + dY2vec) def star_graph_lumped(N, tau, gamma, I0, tmin, tmax, tcount): times = scipy.linspace(tmin, tmax, tcount) # [[central node infected] + [central node susceptible]] #X = [Y_1^1, Y_1^2, ..., Y_1^{N}, Y_2^0, Y_2^1, ..., Y_2^{N-1}] X0 = scipy.zeros(2*N) #length 2*N of just 0 entries #X0[I0]=I0*1./N #central infected, + I0-1 periph infected prob X0[N+I0] = 1#-I0*1./N #central suscept + I0 periph infected X = EoN.my_odeint(star_graph_dX, X0, times, args = (tau, gamma, N)) #X looks like [[central susceptible,k periph] [ central inf, k-1 periph]] x T central_susc = X[:,N:] central_inf = X[:,:N] print(central_susc[-1][:]) print(central_inf[-1][:]) I = scipy.array([ sum(k*central_susc[t][k] for k in range(N)) + sum((k+1)*central_inf[t][k] for k in range(N)) for t in range(len(X))]) S = N-I return times, S, I N=100 I0 = 10 gamma = 1 tmin = 0 tmax = 5 tcount = 21 report_times = scipy.linspace(0,tmax, tcount) #for simulations iterations = 1000 taus1 = [0.03, 0.02, 0.01] taus2 = [1, 0.5, 0.1] plt.figure(1) G = nx.complete_graph(N) for tau in taus1: print(tau) print('lumped') t, S, I = complete_graph_lumped(N, tau, gamma, I0, tmin, tmax, tcount) plt.plot(t, I/N, color = 'grey', linewidth = 3) print('I[-1]', I[-1]) initial_infecteds=random.sample(range(N), I0) obs_I = 0*report_times for counter in range(iterations): if counter%100==0: print(counter) IC = random.sample(range(N),I0) t, S, I = EoN.fast_SIS(G, tau, gamma, initial_infecteds = initial_infecteds, tmax = tmax) obs_I += EoN.subsample(report_times, t, I) plt.plot(report_times, obs_I*1./(iterations*N), 'o') #print(obs_I[-1]/iterations) print('individual based') t, S, I = EoN.SIS_individual_based_pure_IC(G, tau, gamma, initial_infecteds, tmax=tmax, tcount = tcount) plt.plot(t, I/N, '-.', color = 'k') print('pair based') t, S, I = EoN.SIS_pair_based_pure_IC(G, tau, gamma, initial_infecteds, tmax=tmax, tcount = tcount) plt.plot(t, I/N, color = 'k') plt.xlabel('$t$') plt.ylabel('Prevalence') plt.savefig('fig3p2a.png') plt.clf() G = star(N) for tau in taus2: print(tau) print('lumped') t, S, I = star_graph_lumped(N, tau, gamma, I0, tmin, tmax, tcount) print(I) plt.plot(t, I/N, color = 'grey', linewidth = 3) initial_infecteds=random.sample(range(1,N), I0)#not central node 0 obs_I = 0*report_times for counter in range(iterations): if counter%100==0: print(counter) IC = random.sample(range(N),I0) t, S, I = EoN.fast_SIS(G, tau, gamma, initial_infecteds = initial_infecteds, tmax = tmax) obs_I += EoN.subsample(report_times, t, I) #print(obs_I/iterations) plt.plot(report_times, obs_I*1./(iterations*N), 'o') print('individual based') t, S, I = EoN.SIS_individual_based_pure_IC(G, tau, gamma, initial_infecteds, tmax=tmax, tcount = tcount) plt.plot(t, I/N, '-.', color = 'k') print('pair based') t, S, I = EoN.SIS_pair_based_pure_IC(G, tau, gamma, initial_infecteds, tmax=tmax, tcount = tcount) plt.plot(t, I/N, color = 'k') plt.xlabel('$t$') plt.ylabel('Prevalence') plt.savefig('fig3p2b.png')